Harris, Mark

Meet the Candidate

Party Legend

  • CConstitution
  • DDemocrat
  • GGreen
  • LLibertarian
  • RRepublican
  • WWe The People
  • UUnaffiliated

Running For:
US House of Representatives
Political Affiliation:
Candidate Website:

Response Legend

  • YYes
  • NNo
  • UUndecided
  • WView Candidate Survey
  • No response given by candidate
  • *Comment provided, see Candidate Survey on Candidate page

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Should Congress pass legislation that establishes a right to abortion in federal law? N
2. Should Congress pass legislation to ban sports gambling across the United States? NR
3. Should the federal government increase the minimum wage? N
4. Should Congress pass legislation that would protect citizens from being charged with discrimination because of their sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage? Y
5. Should Congress legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? N
6. Should federal nondiscrimination laws include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as protected classifications? N
7. Should the federal government continue to provide funding for abstinence until marriage sexual education programs? Y
8. Should organizations that provide abortions be allowed to receive federal funds? N
9. Should Congress pass a law requiring a health care practitioner, who is present at the time a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, to exercise the same degree of skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as would be expected for any other child born alive at the same gestational age? Y
10. Should Congress prohobit "gender transition procedures," including the administration of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and the performance of "gender reassignment surgery" on minors? Y
11. Should a person’s religious beliefs influence the decisions they make while serving in public office? Y
12. Should churches and other qualified religious organizations continue to receive tax-exempt status? Y
13. Should the number of terms an individual may serve in the U.S. Senate or U.S. House be limited? Y
14. Should the U.S. Constitution be amended to require Congress to balance the federal budget every year? Y