Bray, Shannon W.

Meet the Candidate

Party Legend

  • CConstitution
  • DDemocrat
  • GGreen
  • LLibertarian
  • RRepublican
  • WWe The People
  • UUnaffiliated

Running For:
Lt. Governor
Political Affiliation:
Candidate Website:


Response Legend

  • YYes
  • NNo
  • UUndecided
  • WView Candidate Survey
  • No response given by candidate
  • *Comment provided, see Candidate Survey on Candidate page

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Should North Carolina parents who choose to educate their children in a non-public school be eligible to receive a state-funded scholarship grant to assist with the cost of tuition and fees?
2. Should the N.C. General Assembly authorize non-tribal commercial gambling casinos in North Carolina?
3. Should abortion be prohibited in North Carolina once a fetal heartbeat is detected?
4. Should N.C. offer tax breaks and other financial benefits as an incentive for businesses to locate in the state?
5. Should the N.C. General Assembly legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?
6. Should state nondiscrimination laws include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as protected classifications?
7. Should biological male students who identify as female be allowed to participate on female sports teams?
8. Should organizations that provide abortions be allowed to receive state funds?
9. Should North Carolina law allow a medical professional to assist another person in ending their life?
10. Should a health care practitioner, who is present at the time a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, be required by state law to exercise the same degree of skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of that child as would be expected for any other child born alive at the same gestational age?
11. Should North Carolina public schools be prohibited from instructing students in kindergarten through fourth grade about "gender identity," "sexual activity," and "sexuality?"
12. Should N.C. law (NCGS §90-21.5) continue to allow minors to consent to the treatment of venereal disease or other reportable communicable diseases, pregnancy (not including abortion), abuse of controlled substances or alcohol, and emotional disturbance, without parental consent?
13. Should churches and other qualified religious organizations continue to receive tax-exempt status?
14. Should a person’s religious beliefs influence the decisions they make while serving in public office?
15. Should the number of terms a state legislator may serve in the North Carolina General Assembly be limited?