Moore, Martin E.

Meet the Candidate

Party Legend

  • DDemocrat
  • GGreen
  • LLibertarian
  • RRepublican

Running For:
Court of Appeals Seat 15
Political Affiliation:
Candidate Website:


Response Legend

  • No response given by candidate
  • *Comment provided, see Candidate Survey
  • WView Candidate Survey

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Which Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court best reflects your judicial philosophy?
2. Rate your judicial philosophy toward the Constitution on a scale of 1-10 with a "living document" approach being a 1 and an "originalism" approach being a 10.
3. Please list the organizations with which you have been involved over the past five years through membership, religious affiliation, pro bono legal work, or volunteer service.
4. In the space below, or on a separate sheet of paper, please describe your overall judicial philosophy.
5. In the space below, or on a separate sheet of paper, please describe the role faith plays in your daily life.